Both Addison and Jasper had diarrhea this morning, and Jasper didn't eat any star fruit. Their symptoms may be coincidental, and their may be causes unrelated. Who knows? I had to Clorox-wipey-thing their butts when we returned. Then Addison barfed. When I walked them this evening, neither pooped. Both ate their dinners vigorously, so perhaps their digestion and elimination will return to normal in the morning.
There is an analogous "bumper sticker" phenomenon in RV parks with park models: people announce their university loyalties, professional sports fandoms, political and religious affiliations, military service, and hometowns via various placards, stickers, and painted driveways. Did one or both of them go to the university or are they just fans because they live in Michigan? Are they telling others that they Patriots fans to start a conversation or a fight? If there are any Clinton fans in this park they remain anonymous. Thank you for your service in Korea and Vietnam: that's what you want me to say, right? I'd rather say, "I'm sorry you were drafted." But, if you enlisted, you made a career choice like becoming a police officer or firefighter, neither of whom ever seem to broadcast their service.Also, thank you for telling me your names and hometowns: I'll call a bad guy and have him rob you while you're here. These affiliations are often accompanied by statuary and other yard art expressing their senses of style. The park models, yards, and golf carts have Christmas wreaths, lights and garland. It's all incongruous with the weather, especially the snowman holding the sign which says "Let It Snow." I hope it's all gone by the 26th, but I know it will be well after the New Year. It was sunnier and warmer today, but there was a good breeze. My standing, oscillating fan arrived, and it's doing a good job moving air around the main cabin. I'm not sure what I'll do with it tonight since it isn't high enough to blow air above the bed and there is no counter on which to put it in the bedroom. The breeze is from the north, so it's actually moving through the dinette window. When the air come from the perpendicular direction, BOB becomes a steam room and I need the AC. It will be interesting to see whether the fan can conquer a breezeless BOB. I miss Montana and Wyoming in the summer: hot, dry days and cool nights, bloody nose and cracked feet notwithstanding. I spent the afternoon gathering more contacts for my postcard mailings. I have 89 companies and I addressed another 23 cards today. VistaPrint says the next two iterations will arrive on Tuesday. I've used one-and-one-half pen's worth of ink. I have three brand new pens left. I'll probably have to order more from Staples. I think my postcard waste rate will exceed 10% due to pilot error – information on the wrong line, misspellings, misjudging space, etc. Tomorrow, I'll rework postcard number four. Next Wednesday, I plan on driving BOB to Melbourne to get blood work because I'm due (and before my insurance changes). I'll get propane and dog food as a CYA, too. I also spent time this afternoon "shopping" for haircuts thinking that I might drop into a SuperCuts and end the five-plus-month-grow-out. What I think I want (ultimately) is Diane Keaton's layered bob with bangs. What I will probably do to stage that grow out is a version of a Meg Ryan long pixie. My forehead is large, my face is small, I have two forehead cow licks, and my hair is a little wavy (probably because it's getting grey). It's a shit show of shiny brown hair managed by someone with no skills – which is why I'm always shopping for a wash-and-wear do. I downloaded pictures of Keaton, Ryan and Katie Couric hoping that one of their styles will be adaptable to my grow-out. It will be interesting to see if the stylist can convert a photo into a haircut which I like. The other night I dreamed that I buzzed my hair with Wahl beard clippers. It didn't go well. If SuperCuts fucks up my hair I'll go to a barber who has real clippers and get a GI Jane. I rode my bike to Publix this afternoon. I shopped enough to get through Christmas. I bought a bag of shelled pistachios as a treat, and I've consumed over 600 calories of them since I got home. Bad pistachios, bad! Comments are closed.
Siobhan M. KnoxIn May 2016, I bought a five ton, 25’ long Class C motorhome because I like to drive, I like to travel, and it’s more fun and less expensive than living in a hotel. No prior RV experience was required, and I had none: perfect. I’m writing a book about my adventures which will come to an end when I get a job. The dogs will be sad. Archives
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